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1st place BIZERBA ergonomic-design competition
The main goal was to create a new ergonomics and design concept for prospective tasks in sales areas for cheese and meat. this included increasing customer satisfaction and communication whilst serving, more accurate adjustments for better working speed and an easier to use the machine as a whole. All tasks had to meet the health standards for a food environment.
A digital display itself was a big step up in terms of usage scalability. The touchable surface itself is let jointless into a casing, set in a 45° angle to the main housing to better working on a hip-high positioning. The sides of the casing are hollow to increase grip while wearing plastic gloves.
The lower part of the cutting machine had to be made out of a jointless body made out of one part, to avoid food to enter the casing and violate health standards. To make cleaning easier and weighing more intuitive, a scale was attached to the bottom of the casing. The active surface is located on top of the main housing and makes cutting and weighing goods uninterrupted and easy. The housing is out of a dark plastic to make the machine seem more settled on the table. The shape is inspired by the upper part of the machine and was made minimalistic to keep focus on the functional parts like
The result was a new lower housing combined with a minimalistic but very functional scale and a display that meets upcoming tasks for customer service in food selling areas.