Social media had its launch with Facebook as early as 2004 (for more than 25 Rock bands - myspace). Since then, a lot has changed in the game of 
self-advertisement and digital behavior. 

The fact that two or more people can connect without being even close to facing each other, has had its toll on human interaction besides pretending to "be awesome". In general, not being able to face each other while talking leads to a lot of misunderstandings and false knowledge.
So what is it that could boost social media's to 2.0?.......

!Personal on-site communication
The first real connection two people can make is when their eyes are touching for the first time. 
Let's pretend two young adults are walking approx. 5 meters next to each other in town. Both want to tell the other one that he or she is supposed to make "the first step". Combing through your "be awesome" social media won't lead you to that goal. 
But knowing the other one might think the same could make a much bigger difference!
Q is trying to achieve exactly that. telling people what is around them when they want to know it. It's a.....let's call it watch. It shows you, depending on your criteria, what other people want to tell you or want to talk with you about.

Which criteria are we talking about?
the user is now capable of finding people near their position, according to their set user profile. Several profiles near your location will be checked for matching interests. The system will let you know if someone is matching your criteria and will be noted if he or she wishes to.

This mode is very similar to friending but sees itself trying to create spontaneous get-togethers. Chose which of your preset criteria you want to go after. This will trigger a notification with every other person relatively near TO you, that haVE thESE criteria saved as well. You can choose a location and others will join your spontaneous get-together.

Exactly what you think it is. You have set your profile to whatever you are wanting to meet. If you activate this mode, every person near you, matching your and their criteria, will also be noted and you can choose to answer this notification or go for the next one. When accepting, a compass will appear on your screen, showing you directions to meet that particular person.
?why a bracelet
The principal of a smartwatch or bracelet is perfect for the working environment of a social media. It can give u a notification of any in App action via vibration and/or color. It also allows a much higher freedom of movement and creates a unique way of being able to have eye-to-eye contact!
!Ordering is as easy as getting addicted to chocolate
Ordering your Q online saves money and makes this product not exclusive to a region. It is supposed to be used as a social media, so it has to offer its flexibility. Furthermore, it can be configurated to a´n already usable standard which makes it personalised right out of the box.
your interactive hands free social media
Special thanks to Milan Henn, Max Fischer and Klara Schorer!